02 April 2014

Teacher thank-yous

Honestly, as much as I hate on the school system I had the misfortune of being in, it's really not one person's or faculty member's fault. In truth, I had some really outstanding teachers in my time in high school. (Are they truly outstanding, or did they simply easily eclipse the multitudes of their not-so-great colleagues? No, no, I can't think that cynically).
So, in the spirit of gratitude, I would really like to thank those teachers who have indeed helped me on my journey thus far. It's refreshing to let go of the bitterness of the past and express gratitude for what we've got.

I've come up with some short thank-notes as a result. Perhaps someday, I'll send them.

Dear physics teacher, thank you for doing the best you could under the circumstances (I realize I was the only one of your students who had any interest in taking the AP exam). There's no way I could have done as reasonably well as I did on the exam without your extra help. You tried to convince me to go to a very local university, but I forgive you for that because your advice always extended beyond the scope of my education and into valuable life lessons.

Dear calculus teacher, I didn't agree with a lot of your teaching decisions, but by God, you are responsible for my getting a 5 on the AP Calculus exam. Thank you for doing exactly what you had to do as a calculus teacher. Please don't ever change that.

Dear US history teacher, you are literally the best teacher, and it's sad that you don't teach anymore. Never one to let yourself fall behind the times, you were up-to-date with how to prepare us for the college classes of today, and rightfully so. Your subject has little to do with what I ended up studying in college, but you taught me valuable lessons about how to learn and how to study. So, thank you.

Dear band director, you ought to know I put in a lot of effort into musical ensemble activities, much more than they deserved considering how little my future plans had to do with music, but you recognized that in the end. Thank you for being a friend and for providing me with a creative outlet to escape from the crushing pressures I experienced during my time in high school.

Dear biology teacher, thanks for introducing me to National Geographic.

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