26 February 2014

My childhood in books

When I was a kid, I used to be a sizable bookworm. Still am at times, but you know I mostly read a different kind of book now...

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19 February 2014

Not-so-average life list

I guess we've all gotta have goals. A lot of mine have to do with travel...

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12 February 2014

Reflecting on the downward spiral

When finals week rolled around last semester, I remember just how much I really needed a hug.

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05 February 2014

Healthy eating

I have a sweet tooth that can sometimes get wildly out of control, especially when it comes to candy of the sour variety. That being said, the inclination for us humans to be addicted to sugar is widespread, quite natural, and really, really bad.

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03 February 2014

My winter obsession

I've had a fixation on scarves this past winter. I just really love how a different scarf can change a whole outfit's mood, as far as outerwear goes.

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