18 June 2014

Favorites: Prague

Another installment of Favorites!? This time, I'm coming at you with Prague, Czech Republic, because Prague has to be the most beautiful city I've seen in person (although, disclaimer, I'm not all that well-traveled for a travel enthusiast).

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15 June 2014

My travel essentials / what's in my bag?

As I've previously mentioned, I'm staying in two different places this summer: home and the new apartment. Since I've been going back and forth a lot lately, I've put together a bag of travel essentials that I can just pick up and get going with.

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06 June 2014

Life updates

So I lied about the posting-every-other-Wednesday thing. It's been a busy month for me. But now, it's summer, and I couldn't be more relieved. I'll be having more time (hopefully) to devote to this blog, and I thought I'd start out by updating y'all about what I've been up to and what I'm planning for the future.

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