14 August 2014

My first car

So I've been on a hunt for my first car. This summer, with my parents out of the country, I've been using my dad's car to get to and from work. But now that they're back and school's starting back up real soon, I'll be needing my own car to continue working during the semester.

I was telling my boyfriend about this and he asked me a question that seemed super weird to me.

"What kind of car? Like a Benz?"

Huhhhh? What the hell? I'm a college student with a new apartment and a waitressing gig. I don't care what kind of car I end up getting or what it looks like as long as it gets me from home to work and back and costs me less than a few grand.

I told him as much and he replied by saying that if I was gonna buy a car, I might as well get a nice one. But I just don't see it like that.

I have my long-term goals and dreams, and one of them is having a nice car. But that's someday. Someday, I'll have my degree(s). Someday, I'll have a great job. Someday, I'll have an amazing home that I don't have to share with four other girls in order to afford it. And someday, I'll have a Benz or some other really nice car.

Today, though? Today, I'm still working toward all that. What would I need a Benz for?

Your short-term goals are just as valid and important as your long-term goals because they can be great stepping stones. Don't be afraid to value them.

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