01 September 2014

Having many hobbies

Sometimes, I feel fickle about the things I choose to spend my time doing for myself. Improving my art, then moving on to teaching myself French, then moving on to learning guitar. I tend to want to try out a lot of things but never stick with them.

Sure, it's awesome to want to be well-rounded and knowledgeable about many different things in life that make you happy. The problem with that, though, is that you become mediocre in a bunch of random stuff, but you never become incredible at a single thing.

It takes tons and tons of time and effort to get good at something, and unfortunately, our time and effort aren't limitless. We have to think long and hard about what things are important enough for us to invest in.

I'd love to be a master at everything I try, but it's just not possible. I've invested a lot of time and money into working my way to getting an engineering degree, and that's what I've got to focus on. So, by all means, go out there and take a surfing lesson or a painting class. Do what you have to do to improve the balance of your life. But also, remember not to spread yourself too thin.

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