29 January 2014

Favorites: Rome

Rome simply has to be my all-time favorite place in the world thus far. I went there several years ago on a family trip, and I've been in love ever since.

When I try to think back on it now, though, Rome is a difficult city for me to describe because of its sheer size and various flavors. Recalling my time spent there conjures up images of enormous white landmarks and monuments, patches of lush green grass, and sunset-colored shops in the winding cobbled backstreets. It was ever-bustling with people - business people, tourists, and natives alike. They swarmed the trafficked, Vespa-filled roads and the majestic bridges that stretch across the sparkling Tiber River.

The magic of Rome lies in its perfect fusion of the past and the present. Beside an office building might stand the remnants of some ancient Roman columns. The Colosseum, an aged relic and arguably Rome's most famous landmark, is surrounded by a modern-day plaza and busy automobile streets. And have I mentioned the museums? I love the museums.

After a long debate with myself, I was painfully able to narrow down my three favorite things to see and do in Rome, excluding Vatican City:

One; foro romano
The sprawling Roman Forum (Foro Romano in Italian) includes the Colosseum and is a breathtaking display of the city's glorious past. Long ago, it was a marketplace and the public center of Rome, though only skeletons of once-grand buildings and structures still stand today. It can take a good deal of imagination to paint a picture of how the forum must have looked in its heyday, but if you succeed, you'll be transported out of the 21st century and directly into the 3rd century BC, which is one amazing experience.

Two; piazza di spagna
The Piazza di Spagna is home to the iconic Spanish Steps, which gained widespread familiarity due to the 1953 film 'Roman Holiday.' These steps were commissioned by Pope Innocent XII and created by Francesco De Sanctis to connect the church of Trinità dei Monti at the top to the piazza below. In the center of the piazza lies the Fountain of the Ugly Boat, which is widely believed to be the work of Pietro Bernini, father of the famous sculptor, and made in the shape of a half-sunken ship. According to urban legend, the fountain represents a fishing boat that was found in that exact spot after the 1598 flood of the Tiber Riber. However, the fountain may have simply suffered from low water pressure, and the story may have been circulated by Bernini as a cover up.

A gorgeous sight and a favorite local romantic spot at dusk, Piazza di Spagna is the perfect place to end a day of sightseeing or shopping. You can enjoy a gelato while you lounge on the Spanish Steps and revel in the beauty of the Piazza and of young love.

Three; fontana di trevi
Another one of Rome's most famous attractions is the Trevi Fountain, which is truly a spectacular sight to behold both during the day and at night. Set against the backdrop of Palazzo Poli, the building which houses the National Institute for the Graphic Design, it is the largest Baroque-era fountain in Rome. The completion of the fountain in the 1760s was a long time coming as it was abandoned mid-construction for some time before Nicola Salvi was commissioned by Pope Clement XII to finish it based on designs created by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. The most important part of the fountain, however, is the requisite over-the-shoulder coin toss. Doing this ensures that you will one day return to the Eternal City.

Be sure not to pass up on Rome's plethora of other great sights. There are so many that I wasn't able to see everything the city has to offer in the two days I spent there. (Which is why I tossed a coin in the Trevi Fountain - so I could come back and see everything I missed!)

Hitting up the popular tourist spots like Piazza Navona and the Pantheon are great, but if you also want the full experience of Rome, it's best done (as with any other city) by just wandering through the city's streets. You're sure to come across a bunch of hidden treasures as Rome is just teeming with art and culture.

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